
Quader rules out dialogue after receiving the US letter

US ambassador to Bangladesh, Peter D Haas, met governing Bangladesh Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader at his secretariat office on Wednesday morning.

He handed him over a letter from Donald Lu, the US Assistant Secretary of State for the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, urging the political parties to hold a dialogue over the forthcoming 12th parliamentary election.

Donald Lu sent the letter to three major political parties – Awami League, BNP and Jatiya Party.

Upon receiving the letter, Obaidul Quader talked to newspersons at the secretariat. He said, “No political party that practises democracy, cannot say that they do not want any dialogue. But there is a suitable time. The poll schedule is going to be announced today. When would you hold the dialogue?”

Then a newsperson asked him whether there is any scope of organising a dialogue in the current context. In response the ruling party leader said, “There is no more scope of dialogue now.”

He, however, informed the media that he will discuss the content of the letter with party president and prime minister Sheikh Hasina and AL central working committee leaders.

Peter Haas also spoke to the media in the morning. He put emphasis on organising a free, fair and peaceful election.

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