
We can’t ignore the US: Foreign minister

The US is a super power and the government takes their advice into consideration seriously, said Bangladesh Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen on Monday.

“We can’t ignore them and don’t do this,” the foreign minister said while answering a question about the forthcoming parliamentary election in Bangladesh.

When asked whether the government has compelled the West to maintain silence as they are not saying anything about the election now, AK Abdul Momen said, “What are you saying? How will we force them? There is no scope and we don’t have the power.”

Mentioning that those who are the friends of Bangladesh and give advice on different issues at different times, the foreign minister said, “If others have good advice for a fair election, we will receive that. We welcome it. We are not pundits. (But) we will not tolerate those who will interfere.”

Momen stated that if the US provides any advice consistent with the reality of Bangladesh those are considered with utmost priority.

“We regularly communicate with them with much honour and dignity,” he said.

Mentioning that the US wants a free and fair election in Bangladesh, Abdul Momen said, “We also want that. They are helping us. We also want to hold a fair and nice election. If we do that, America will stay with us. They are a friendly country. Not only the election, we have different relations with them.”

The foreign minister also mentioned the US as a pragmatic country.

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